Friday, December 24, 2004

This week so far - by the numbers.

Days ill with gastly death cold/flu thing that even the prescription drugs don't seem to touch: 5

Items completed from my To Do list: 10

Items not completed left on the list: about 1000

Hours in the car tomorrow (min.): 5

Boxes of tissues killed off in my house this week: 8.5

Hours of actual sleep (approx. total since Sunday): 20

Hours of tossing and turning and coughing and hacking: 200,000

Percentage of exaggeration in the last item: Not as much as you'd think.

Hours spent shopping during a massive downpour today: 3

Hours spent staring blankly at Christmas cards in the store, trying to focus enough to pick one out: .75

IQ of person who shops for hours in a massive downpour while still struck down by the death cold/flu: 38

Years in purgatory that my husband deserves for giving this to me: Haven't decided yet, but it will be a lot.


Chris said...

Are you feeling better yet? Sorry I haven't read sooner - on vacation. Drove nearer to you for the holidays - drove to Dallas/Ft. Worth area. About 22 hours.

Don't hurt your hubby too much; if he is in a body cast he won't be able to nurse you back to health.

kate g said...

found your blog by clicking the 'next blog' button on mine and subsequent ones after that.
am very entertained to find someone else who loves elipses and run on sentances as much as i do.
am thankful for it too.
nice to meet you :)


Chris said...

Hey girl... you okay? Haven't seen much of you here...