Friday, April 01, 2005

Missing in action

I'm sorry I've been gone so long. I'm not going to go too far into why in a public forum (though Chris tracked me down awhile back and got the whole story), but I will offer two thoughts:

- The tough part of depression is that when you're depressed enough to need a doctor you're too depressed to bother to see one.

- I will get a flu shot next year if I have to bribe a public official and knock over a small child standing in my way.

However, I'll try not to disappear quite so thoroughly again. Unless, of course, my head explodes or something. I've had a f^$%ing headache everyday this week, and as far as I know I don't need new glasses or a brain transplant.


Chris said...

Sorry you have a headache.

Not sorry I checked up on you.

How about if you have to bribe a public official, knock over a small child AND coerce a medical technician?

Okay, that was just silly, wasn't it.

Risha said...

Actually, sounds like fun to me. Maybe I can blackmail the doctor too?

And I didn't mean to give the impression that I was feeling worse or anything. I've been feeling good since our whole email chain... I just hadn't gotten back around to blogging again yet. General laziness, which is something that everyone who knows me can tell you is very common. :)

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