Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Just call me "Chemo".

If you don't read old DC comics, this dude.

I'm all for modern medicine, but I'm starting to feel like my blood has been replaced by a chemical cocktail. I went to the doctor yesterday (the first available, not my normal one) because I've been nauseous and exhausted for more than a week. He asked me a few questions, told me it was "probably a virus or maybe an infection of some kind", gave me a prescription for a few days worth of an anti-nausea pill (which has given me a nasty metallic taste and dry mouth), and then completely ignored the problem I came to him for in favor of grilling me about my blood pressure.

Admittedly, my reading was pretty high (158/100), but I'm sick, which always gives me higher readings. I was on blood pressure medication a couple of years ago, and eventually stopped it myself (yes, bad Risha, I know), because as I moved out of the busy season at work my pressure kept dropping, which would give me dizzy spells until the doctor cut back the medication, and then a few weeks later I would be dizzy again. Then my refills ran out and my pressure was fine, so I never went back to get a new prescription. Plus, by that point I hated that stuff. I've had some borderline readings since then, usually when sick and/or overworked, but nothing like when I was first diagnosed or yesterday's.

So the doctor pitched a fit and demanded that I take the rest of yesterday and all of today off work (gave me a note to that effect and all), and come back to be rechecked this afternoon by my normal doctor. Frankly, the work that I'm currently falling behind on is stressing me more than working would have. Today my pressure was lower (150/100) but still too high. So, despite telling me directly that it was almost certainly because I went back on the birth control pill a few months ago, I'm also back on blood pressure medication. Simply stopping the pill for a week or two to see if that fixes it? No, why do that when I can be additionally medicated?

Maintenance medications currently prescribed to me:
Lisinopril 20MG (blood pressure, one daily)
OvCon 35 (birth control, one daily)
Tazorac 0.1% creme (acne, applied to face once daily)
Axert (migraines, as needed)
Albuterol (inhaler, as needed)

And I'm still
nauseous and exhausted.


Chris said...

If it is any consolation, I do understand a bit. I'm taking Lisinopril as well (5 mpg once a day) as well as Metaformin (1000 mg twice a day) along with a baby aspirin each day, as per my MD. It doesn't matter that I agree with it, it still sucks as it affects the way I think and react.

I kind of laughed when he prescribed an anti-nausea for you, thinking 'pregnant'? Guess that's not the case, eh?

Since you are on forced relaxation perhaps it is time for a Blackadder marathon...

Risha said...

Uh oh, that doesn't sound good. Did you have a heart attack?

And I thought about that one too - it fits the symptoms! And after all, the pill isn't 100%, especially when you miss the first one like I did this month. But the timing is extremely unlikely. This may be TMI, but I had some uterine cysts removed on June 2nd, and he did a DNC while he was in there because I had a lot of tissue built up. (Basically, he scraped the sides of the uterus. It's more commonly used for abortions and after miscarriages.)I bled for most of a week, and then got my period (I think) a couple of days after it stopped, for two more days. I did take a home test this weekend, just in case.

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