Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Cue the orchestra

As the name implies, I wouldn't expect great things from this blog. Or great creativity, or even regular updates. However, I will endeavor not to bore you to tears. (Hah! How's that for setting the standards low?)

I am hoping that having a published site that needs to be filled up will encourage me to actually write some fanfiction, or even, god forbid, original stuff, like I've meant to for a few years now.

- run-on and unnecessarily long sentences
- big, odd-sounding words, like "palimpsest" or "megillah"
- lots of ellipse (...), dash (-), and parentheses (( )) abuse
- way too many exclamation points!!!
- the frequent use of "that that" (i.e., "I wanted him to know that that was wrong.")
- and lots of other bad habits I can't think of right now.


Chris said...

Well, after November, I'm planning on reading every day so if you don't keep me entertained I will just bombard you with snide comments about timeliness and deja vu. Might as well get practicing; only 8 days until I begin reading blogs again!

Risha said...

Ooo, a challenge! Well, I'll be expecting a certain someone to post a novel, perhaps a classic of the stature of "Moby Dick", on Dec. 1st. :)