Thursday, November 18, 2004

Damn him to heck and back.

I've been sick for the last couple of days with the plague that's been going around work. Yesterday Phill tried to get me to go to the doctor, quite logically pointing out that a) last time I ignored a cold it lasted (literally) a month, and b) he really didn't want to catch it from me. I hemmed and hawed and dragged my feet, convinced that it was a waste of time and money, that they couldn't help me at all with what was after all just a cold/flu, and that the people at the doctor's office would think that I'm a hypochondriac for even bothering them with something so minor.

Today I went, and was instantly prescribed two pills and a nose spray for my sinus infection.

Don't you hate when they're right? *sigh*

1 comment:

Chris said...

Us husbands/significant others are always right...

except when we are wrong. Which we aren't. But, if we did happen to be wrong, we'd admit it. But we aren't.

Let me come in again...